DONATE NOW! Educating and feeding children Haiti Every child deserves a chance to thrive, not just survive Making a difference in the lives of children and their families Supporting hospitals and clinics Haiti & Bolivia
A Community of One


Northern Arizona Volunteer Medical Corp supports the health, education, and safety of children and families in need through local programs and international relief projects.

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A yellow and black logo featuring a square in the middle.
Making a Difference

current outreach

We provide medical and surgical care, education, food, housing, and other basic needs.

A group of people on a trip to Bolivia posing for a photo.
A man with a mask and gloves providing medical care in front of a tent in an underserved community.

Supporting Medical Relief in Haiti

We support Hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti as they continue to treat Cholera, and victims of gang violence. Our volunteers provide medical care to patients and training to local medical staff. Ninety percent of patients cannot pay for medical care. We believe that every individual has the right to access quality healthcare regardless of their economic status. Our organization is committed to bringing medical relief to those who need it most.

A woman with a stethoscope providing medical care to underserved communities.

Providing Surgery and Disease Prevention in Bolivia

We are happy to announce that NAVMC sent a medical team to rural Bolivia in May 2023, the first since the pandemic. Read the blog for trip details from our Bolivia leader, Amy.

A young woman in a blue graduation gown holding a diploma is the representation of achievement and success.

Educating Children and Young Adults

We support the education of children and young adults, firmly believing it to be a fundamental human right. By ensuring access to education, we empower individuals to forge brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

A woman walking down a road with a child on her back, supported by the efforts of NAVMC, a non-profit organization committed to providing medical care and education to underserved communities.

Feeding the Starving During Crisis

NAVMC is partnering with Haitian small NGOs with boots on the ground to deliver meals to communities in Haiti. Haiti is one of just six countries in the world that has reached catastrophic levels of hunger. This situation is growing worse daily and is due to gangs paralyzing the country, causing fuel shortages & skyrocketing food costs.

How to help

We are passionate about securing a healthy and safe future for families and children. We invite you to join us as a volunteer, a donor, or a sponsor in the array of service opportunities we offer.

An icon of a briefcase with a green square on it that can be used as a contact symbol.

Make a difference

A yellow and black logo featuring a square in the middle.



A story of Haitian REsilience and Beauty

This film follows Mohlenne Bosse, a young Haitian woman, as she learns how to walk on crude prosthetics after suddenly losing both of her legs to a mysterious affliction baffling the Haitian and American doctors who worked to save her legs and then her life.

photo of prosthetic legs from Unshaken film

Stay Informed

Learn about our ongoing relief efforts and latest travel updates.

30 May


We had an absolutely amazing trip to Bolivia. This was the trip intended to check on our supplies, negotiate terms with the hospital, see patients in clinic, and reconnect with everyone down there that make our trips possible. All goals were achieved and exceeded.   The team consisted of Drs. Andy Aldridge, Phil Williams, Brian Balanoff and me. The small team made the trip much more relaxing, and we could be more flexible with our schedule. It also really helped the four of us to form meaningful and lasting relationships with those at the Susan Hou Clinic in Palacios and Dr. Douglas Villaroel (our red tape workaround master.) We also got to listen to and speak a lot of Spanish which will serve us well in November.   Here are a few of the highlights: We visited and paid our respects to the Espinoza family. Unfortunately, Dr. Espinoza passed from covid while providing care to covid+ patients in July 2020. Dr. Espinoza was a pivotal member of our team in Bolivia. He was a general surgeon who worked in Santa Cruz, but often came out to Portachuelo to work with us. If any complications arose with our patients after we left the country, he would take care of them. We had a very special breakfast with his large family at their home in Santa Cruz and were able to reminisce and share stories. We all feel so fortunate to have known and worked with Dr. Oscar Espinoza.    We spent time at the hospital in Portachuelo. This is where we perform our surgeries and where the patients stay before and after surgery. The big news from this trip was that our equipment was all in functioning condition. I negotiated terms with this group for November and was assured prices would remain the same as in 2019. Apparently, inflation has not hit Bolivia like it has the states. We also had the pleasure of visiting Dr. Vargas at his home in Portachuelo. Dr. Vargas is the main doctor at the clinic in Palacios. He helps us select and prepare our surgical candidates before we arrive. My favorite part of the trip was the two days and a night at the Susan Hou Clinic in Palacios. We saw upwards of 80 patients in the clinic, all hoping to have surgery with us in November. We narrowed the list down to 50ish and now we are figuring out the most dire cases and what we can actually accomplish in November. People have been waiting a long time to see us so there were many urgent needs. We had the pleasure of the company of the Bolivian clinic coordinator, Gabriela, and her husband, Marco. While at the clinic we went on a night walk, saw the stars of the Southern Hemisphere (hello Southern Cross!) and ziplined over the rushing river that patients must cross to make it to the clinic from their homes since its bridge washed out. We also visited the newly built library (book donation thanks to NAVMC) and the kids treated us to food and drink. Our last night we had a lovely dinner with Dr. Douglas Villaroel. He is the person responsible for keeping us legal in Bolivia. He takes care of our licensure, credentialing, and helps us to bring all the equipment we need into Bolivia, not an easy feat. He reiterated his continued support for our cause and has already asked for a list of equipment I want to bring in so he can start working on the red tape so common in Bolivia.    Dr. Douglas also spoke with us about the washed-out bridge and how it is impacting the community and their access to the clinic. More to come on that. I think it might be a great fundraising opportunity for NAVMC.    Those are the highlights of our trip. I cannot explain how wonderful it felt to be back in Bolivia and to see all our friends. It has been over 4 years! We took the perfect small group to re-form strong bonds with everyone who helps us do what we do. With a full team in November, I know we will be able to help a lot of Bolivians and make you all proud. It’s great to get NAVMC back on the ground, accomplishing so much and realizing our mission statement.   Thanks for everyone’s support!Amy


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